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Here you will find all things related to the Spiritual, Holistic and Metaphysical. You can take a course, read books and articles, watch a video.
Our new webpage ( A Gardeners World ) will be opening up shortly, giving insights to the world at large and as to how we can tend to and heal it.
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©Lori Meyer Angels are all around us. Whether you realize it or not, you are surrounded by heavenly beings that are here to help you. Not only do they want to help you, their purpose
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Tai Chi
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Tai Chi Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise which can be practiced by anyone regardless of physical capabilities. Even my mother, who was in a wheelchair as the result of polio could do some of the movements. The modern world is fast paced, and yet we sit around a lot, don't we? Whi
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A deeper understanding and Akashic Records
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A deeper understanding and Akashic Records Right now, there is a huge new sensation about Akashic records. You’ll find that a lot of people are being drawn into Akashic records as a way for them to heal. You’ll find that a lot of people use the knowledge in order to feel safe and secu
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