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Here you will find all things related to the Spiritual, Holistic and Metaphysical. You can take a course, read books and articles, watch a video.
Our new webpage ( A Gardeners World ) will be opening up shortly, giving insights to the world at large and as to how we can tend to and heal it.
Feel free to look around, all parts of the website are available to guests.
Holistic health tips
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Holistic Health tips Chapter List: 1. General Holistic Health Tips 2. Vitamins and Herbs 3. Natural Food Choices 4. Skin Remedies General Holistic Health Tips 1. Improve your post
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Spiritual Light
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Please join our community, it's free. People of all religions are welcome. We are non denominational and here to love and worship as we please.
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Magnetic Therapy
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Magnetic Therapy Perhaps you know someone who wears a copper bracelet to help with arthritis or tendonitis pain. Magnetic therapy works along the exact same lines and is a centuries old form of alternative medicine. Rulers as far back as Cleopatra were known to have worn metallic bracelets and band
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